Welcome to the office of the Wood County Treasurer.
Notice: Our Real Estate Web portal has been upgraded to provide you with a more modern and robust user experience across all devices! This website will allow you to pay your real estate tax at this site with a credit card or electronic check from your bank account. A convenience fee will be charged to your account for this service. This is not a Treasurers' office charge and the office does not receive any revenue for this service.
To begin using the system, simply click on the Tax Search in the menu above. Next, enter your name, Address, or Parcel number and press the Search button. Results will be displayed underneath the search area. You can navigate directly to detailed account information & tax bills by clicking on the Parcel ID link. If you encounter any errors or technical problems, please contact our office at (419) 354-9130.
For a detailed explanation of your tax bill, please click here.
- New Sheriff Sale Forms are available. Download the forms on the Forms page.
- All forms on this website can be printed, filled out and then sent in or dropped off at our office.
- All of these documents require you to have Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download it for free!

Concerned about social distancing?
Taxes DO NOT have to be made in person.
Alternative options are:
- Mail to- One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green OH 43402
- Treasurer Office drop box on Summit Street entrance of Courthouse
- Over the phone credit card payment – fees apply (419) 359-0006
- We offer electronic payments from your bank account
Visit us online at treasurer.co.wood.oh.us
Email at cntytreasurer@woodcountyohio.gov
Call us at (419) 354-9130