Tax Language
Real Estate Tax Real Property tax is one of the oldest taxes in the State of Ohio and is also one of the most stable tax bases, the taxable value of land and buildings. Tax rates vary between tax districts depending on all levies approved either by legislative authority or by the voters in the district. Ohio law limits local government authority to assess property taxes by creating the 10 mill limitation.
Manufactured Home Tax Similar to the above property taxes, MFG Home Taxes were instituted in 1925 with the development of Manufactured Homes. The tax base is 40% of the depreciated value of the home and the rate is the total of all taxes levied in the district. New law passed by the Ohio General Assembly in December of 1998 significantly changes Manufactured Home taxation by assessing the value of the home similar to Real Estate, at market values.
Estate Tax The State of Ohio is the administrative agent for Ohio's Estate Tax, however, depending on the county of residence of the decedent, the County Treasurer collects the tax locally, distributing twice a year 30% of the collection to the state, less fees, and the remaining balance distributed to the local tax districts allocated on a percentage of where the estate assets were held.
Tax & Payment Information
- A lock box for deposit of tax payments is located at the main entrance on Summit Street.
In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, the Wood County Treasurer is responsible for collecting two kinds of property taxes: real estate (O.R.C. 323.12), manufactured homes (O.R.C. 4503.06). Taxes on real estate are due in February and July of each year. Taxes on manufactured homes are due in January and July.
There are two major factors that influence the amount of real estate taxes a property owner owes: the value of the property as determined by the Wood County Auditor, and tax levies, most of which are decided by the voters.
There are approximately eighty (80) taxing districts in Wood County and each has a different tax rate. A complete listing of the current tax rates is available for viewing and/or printing. (Adobe Acrobat Required)
If you have questions about taxes:
- Bowling Green
(419) 354-9130
- Toll Free
Payment locations:
Real Estate Taxes may be paid at: Jane Spoerl, Wood County Treasurer’s Office Building, Bowling Green, Ohio, or by mail. The address is:
- Wood County Treasurer
1 Courthouse Square Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Real estate taxes may be POSTMARKED on or before the due date or paid at the following locations until their close of business-February 14, 2025. If payment is made after the due date, 5% penalty must be included for the first 10 days and 10% penalty thereafter, per Ohio Revised Code 323.13.
- Make all checks payable to Jane Spoerl, Treasurer.
- 201 W Main Street, Deshler, Ohio
- 22973 SR 281, Custar, Ohio
- 7001 Lighthouse Way, Perrysburg, Ohio
- 1072 N. Main st., Bowling Green, Ohio
- 124 E Court St., Bowling Green, Ohio
- 222 S Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio
- 141 N Main St., North Baltimore, Ohio
- 24231 Front St., Grand Rapids, Ohio
- 690 W South Boundary, Perrysburg, Ohio
- 1226 W Wooster St., Bowling Green, Ohio
- 1694 N Countyline St., Fostoria. Ohio
- 1077 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg Ohio
- 132 E Front St., Pemberville Ohio
- 230 W Madison Ave., Gibsonburg, Ohio
- 1300 N Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio