Wood County, Ohio Jane Spoerl, Treasurer
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I search for my tax information?
  2. Who should I contact if I think there are errors in my tax calculations?
  3. I lost my tax bill. How do I get a new one?
  4. Can I sort the search results?
  5. Why can't I find an address that I know exists?
  6. How can I pay my taxes online? NEW
  7. Can I pay my taxes over the phone? NEW

How do I search for my tax information?

Click on the Tax Search link at the top of the page, then enter either your name, address, or parcel number into the search criteria text box. Search results will be displayed immediately, and tax information of any parcel can be retrieved by clicking on the 'Parcel ID' link within the search results.

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Who should I contact if I think there are errors in my tax calculations?

All errors or omissions in the data should be reported immediately to the Wood County Treasurer's Office. Click here for phone numbers, or you can visit us in person at the offices of the Treasurer on the second floor of the County Office Building, Bowling Green, Ohio. Our regular Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

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I lost my tax bill. How do I get a new one?

First, perform a search, and click on the 'Details' link within your search results for tax details on the parcel you are interested in. When you get to the tax information screen, click on the 'View My Tax Bill (PDF)' to view your most recent tax bill. This document is in Portable Document Format (PDF), and you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. Click here to download the latest Acrobat Reader.

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Can I sort the search results?

Yes. When viewing the search results grid, simply click on the header of the column you wish to sort. Sorting will sort ALL search results, not just the ones on your current page.

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Why can't I find an address that I know exists?

Sometimes the address that exists within county records does not correspond exactly to the address you have come to know. Enter only the minimum amount of information needed, such as the house number and the street name (leave off the street type).

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How can I pay my taxes online?

You can pay the taxes for one or multiple properties at once. When viewing the Report for one property, you can click the link to Pay Taxes Online, which adds the 'Owed Amount' to your 'cart'. (Paying the half year amount is not available after a certain date.) Then search for a different property and repeat the process. When finished, click on the 'Pay $' link. This will take you to a third-party site to make your payments.

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Can I pay my taxes over the phone?

Yes, you can make a credit card / electronic check payment via telephone. Have your tax bill and credit / checking account information available and dial (419) 359-0006.

Disclaimer: Records from the Office of the Treasurer are public information under the Ohio Public Records Law.